Why You Should Always Attend the Cervical Screening Appointment

8 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Many daily activities can attract a certain amount of risk, and people may choose to accept this level of exposure as a calculated approach to their everyday chores. Yet sometimes it's important to avoid an unnecessary risk, and this is especially true when it comes to cervical screening for women. If you've been contacted by the authorities to see if you want to participate in the National Cervical Screening Program, why should you always accept, and what is involved in this approach these days? Read More 

Important Tips When Visiting a Doctor

27 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

A doctor is an essential person in keeping a person healthy both physically and mentally. The history of doctors and the medical profession is very rich with almost every culture in the world having its version of doctors. Today, the profession is highly regulated and is considered very reputable. A doctor is not only to be visited when one is feeling unwell. Below are a few other reasons why you should visit your doctor regularly. Read More 

3 Signs It’s Time for a Hearing Test

27 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your hearing is a vital part of your health, impacting your ability to engage with others, stay safe and understand the world around you. Occasionally, people can lose their hearing rapidly, but often hearing loss can be so gradual that people don't even notice it occurring. If you've been wondering whether it's time to have your hearing assessed, here are three signs it's time to take that test. 1. Everybody's mumbling! Read More 

Understanding Thyroid Cancer

27 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your thyroid gland sits just in front of your trachea and can't normally be felt unless there's a problem with it. Your thyroid contains cells make certain hormones, and these hormones regulate your temperature, heart rate and available energy. Your thyroid is also responsible for regulating your calcium levels. Thyroid cancer occurs due to cell damage, but the exact cause of thyroid cancer is unclear at this time. Anyone can develop this type of cancer, but women seem to be at greater risk than men. Read More 

Common Causes of Spinal Pain & How Physio Addresses Them

26 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Back pain is a common condition that affects 70-90% of Australians at some stage in their lives. In most cases, the cause isn't insidious, although many people do worry about infections and cancer. Understanding the more common causes of back pain and how physiotherapy addresses them can place you on the path to recovery. Mechanical pain and soft tissue injuries Mechanical pain and soft tissue injuries usually result in lower back pain and occasionally mid-back pain. Read More